Useful shortcuts for vi editor

Friday, 1 August 2014

[SOLUTION] - TOra "ORA-12154" Error

If you get ORA-12154 while logging to database user with TNS in TOra, this means system does not know tnsnames.ora file path.

To solve this, you can add TNS_ADMIN variable to among user variables.

e.g. C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\network\ADMIN
e.g. C:\orant\NET80\ADMIN


[SOLUTION] - TOra "No available connection provider " Error

In this entry, I will show you that how to solve "No available connection provider " error in TOra SQL Editor.

If you get like below error, probably you have a problem with Oracle Client.

Fistly, you should check whether there is a Oracle Client in system. If yes, you have to add its path into path system variable.

If you don't have any Oracle Client, you should install it from Oracle website.

Bye. :)