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Showing posts with label android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 September 2015

How to connect internet via USB cable in Android Devices?

To do that please follows the instructions;

Info: In this example, Android 4.2.2 version has been used.

Prerequisite: Plug your device into PC/Lap-Top via USB cable.

Open "Settings" -> Go to "More networks-> Go to "Tethering and portable hotspot" -> Activate "USB tethering"

After that, you should be able to see "Blue usb icon" in Notification bar

Tip: You may use this when mobile device connects to WiFi as well. 

Attention: Please be aware of your mobile data usage while "USB tethering" is open

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

How to update driver with .inf file?

To do that please follows the instructions;

Press Windows key + R -> Input "mmc devmgmt.msc-> Right click to "undefined device" in "Portable Devices" folder then select "Update Driver Software-> Click to "Browse my computer for driver software" -> Click to "Let me pick from a list of device on my computer-> Click to "Have Disk" -> Click to "Browse" -> Find .inf file then click "Open" -> Click "Next" and finish-up.

Monday, 8 June 2015

How to use adb (android debug bridge) cmd tool?

First, you need to connect your devices to PC with adb.

CMD> adb devices
result; abcdabcdxxx device

- start adb from different port
CMD> adb -P 1111 start-server

- Install .apk package
CMD> adb install mytool.apk

- Get logs from android device e.g.
CMD> adb logcat -d > mydevicelogs.txt

- Start-Stop adb server
CMD> adb start-server
CMD> adb kill-server

- Remount devices
CMD> adb remount

- Reboot devices
CMD> adb reboot

Enter to shell (linux)
CMD> adb shell

Gain read-write access for /system path to get rid of "Read-only file system" error
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount /system

- Revert to read-only access for /system path
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o ro,remount /system

- Define a new folder
CMD> adb shell mkdir /tmp/example

- Send a file into phone
CMD> adb push config.txt /tmp/example

- Get a file from phone
CMD> adb pull /tmp/example/config.txt