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Showing posts with label vncserver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vncserver. Show all posts

Friday, 20 January 2017

How to start/stop/configure vnc service?

install tool:
yum install tigervnc-server

configure settings:
vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

VNCSERVERS="2:root 3:oracle 4:alper"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1280x1024 -nolisten tcp -localhost"
VNCSERVERARGS[3]="-geometry 1280x1024"
VNCSERVERARGS[4]="-geometry 1280x1024"

change password of vnc
$ whoami
-> alper
$ vncpasswd
-> alper123

startup options:
# chkconfig vncserver on
# service vncserver start

login to system with windows vncviewer tool

remove startup option and stop vnc:
# chkconfig vncserver off
# service vncserver stop

Info: Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system