Useful shortcuts for vi editor

Monday 8 June 2015

How to use adb (android debug bridge) cmd tool?

First, you need to connect your devices to PC with adb.

CMD> adb devices
result; abcdabcdxxx device

- start adb from different port
CMD> adb -P 1111 start-server

- Install .apk package
CMD> adb install mytool.apk

- Get logs from android device e.g.
CMD> adb logcat -d > mydevicelogs.txt

- Start-Stop adb server
CMD> adb start-server
CMD> adb kill-server

- Remount devices
CMD> adb remount

- Reboot devices
CMD> adb reboot

Enter to shell (linux)
CMD> adb shell

Gain read-write access for /system path to get rid of "Read-only file system" error
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount /system

- Revert to read-only access for /system path
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o ro,remount /system

- Define a new folder
CMD> adb shell mkdir /tmp/example

- Send a file into phone
CMD> adb push config.txt /tmp/example

- Get a file from phone
CMD> adb pull /tmp/example/config.txt