Useful shortcuts for vi editor

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

How to recall an email in Microsoft Office Outlook?

To do that please follows the instructions;

Double click the email from "Sent Items" -> Click "Other Actions" -> Click "Recall This Message" -> Select desired options like "Delete unread copies of this message" -> Click "OK" -> Wait a while to see the result email from the mail server

* If one of recipients read this email, you cannot recall it. Therefore, you should receive the fail info message from the mail server after recall request.

That's all

How to run a command when starts up SUSE linux system?

Please add below row into "/etc/init.d/boot.local" file as root system user.

# su - alper -c "/home/alper/bin/"

Monday, 26 January 2015

What is SUID and GUID?

SUID (Set User ID on execution) and GUID (Group User ID on execution) that uses to give execution permission for running as owner of file.

example of activated suid 
passwd command;
ls -l /usr/bin/passwd

example of activated guid 
wall command;
ls -l /usr/bin/wall

info: "s" means that the file is activated for suid or guid.

to activate suid;
chmod u+s myfile.txt

to deactivate suid;
chmod u-s myfile.txt

to activate guid;
chmod g+s myfile.txt

to deactivate guid;
chmod g-s myfile.txt

You may also want to read this entry;

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

How to list symbolic links in the current directory?

define a link;
ln -s myfolder/myfile.txt myshortcut

to see it in the list;
$ find . -type l -ls

Jan 21 09:03 ./myshortcut-> myfolder/myfile.txt

to see inside of file via shortcut;
$ cat myshortcut

Thursday, 8 January 2015

How to define logic volume for oracle server?

1st step: Define physical volume (pv)
# pvcreate -f /dev/sda4

to check it;

# pvdisplay

2nd step: Define volume group (vg)

# vgcreate -s 16 /dev/my_vg_ora /dev/sda4
-s 16 (--physicalextentsize; 16 mb physical extent size)

to activate it;

# vgchange -a y /dev/my_vg_ora

to check it;

# vgdisplay

3rd step: Define logic volume (lv)

lvcreate -L 1024 -n example01 /dev/my_vg_ora

to check it;
# lvdisplay

4th step: Assign data file to tablespace

to do this step please refer to this entry

to check it;
# select * from dba_data_files;

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Oracle Highlights

Database Versions