Useful shortcuts for vi editor

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

How to use "wall" and "write" commands?

$ wall
-> press "ctrl+d" to send the message

$ echo "Hello World!" | wall

$ sudo wall message.txt
-> send content of message.txt file

$ write alper
-> press "crlt+c" to quit

$ write alper pts/0
-> run "who" to see terminal names like pts/0

Monday, 18 April 2016

Excel'de nesne ekleme nasıl yapılır?

[Ekle] -> [Nesne] -> [Dosyadan Oluştur] -> [Gözat] -> [Tamam]

Thursday, 7 April 2016

What are hard link and soft link in Linux?

Hard link; it may used for backup (replica) purpose. (seems to RAID 1)
$ ln original_file.txt hd_file.txt
$ ln original_file2.txt /home/alper/hd_file2.txt

Soft link; it may used as shortcut like in Windows OS.
$ ln -s original_file soft_file.txt
$ ln -s original_file /home/alper/soft_file2.txt

to list the links;
$ ls -l 
(l; list)
$ ls -i
(i; inode number)
then find the files by same inode number
$ find . -inum <inode_number>

$ find . -inum 10000

tcpdump examples

tcpdump -D
-> Display all available interfaces for tcpdump

$ tcpdump -i 1 | more
-> Listen (interface 1) with more command

$ tcpdump -i any
-> Listen all actived interfaces

$ tcpdump -i eth1
-> Listen eth1 interface

$ tcpdump -i eth0 port 22
-> Listen eth0 interface on port 22

$ tcpdump -i eth2 port 23 -w example.pcap
-> Listen eth2 interface on port 23 and save as desired file name

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Kelime havuzu

mazur görmek vs mağrur olmak
-> mazur görmek: mazeretli görmek
-> mağrur olmak: gururlu, kibirli olmak 

tahrif etmek, tahkir etmek, tahrik etmek
-> tahrif etmek: bozmak, değiştirmek
-> tahkir etmek: aşağılamak, onur kırmak
-> tahrik etmek: kışkırtmak

Kaynak: TDK

How to capture packages with adb shell?

CMD> adb shell 
# tcpdump -vv -i any -s 0 -w /data/01.pcap
(-v; verbose, -i; interface, -s 0;capture all bytes of data within the packet)

to take the pcap file from the phone;
CMD> adb pull /data/01.pcap