Useful shortcuts for vi editor

Friday, 28 November 2014

What is Sticky Bit?

If sticky bit is active, that file can be only deleted by root or owner.

to activate;
chmod +t file.txt
to unactivate;
chmod -t file.txt

You may also want to read this entry;

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Useful shortcuts for vi editor

  • vi myfile.txt
    to open file with vi editor
  • vi + myfile.txt
    cursor goes to end of the file
  • vi +200 myfile.txt
    cursor goes to 200th row
  • :set list
    :set nolist

    see hidden characters or not
  • :set number
    :set nonumber
    see number of lines or not
  • :set paste
    activate paste option before get into insert mode (to resolve the commented lines problem)
  • :set nopaste
    deactivate paste option before get into insert mode
  • :[line_number]
    cursor goes to desired line
  • l, k, h, j
    cursor goes to right, up, left, down
  • w
    cursor goes to next word
  • b
    cursor goes to start of the current word
  • gg
    go top
  • shift + g
    go bottom
  • dd
    remove row
  • p
    paste the clipboard data
  • x
    remove one char
  • yy
    copy the row
  • u
    undo last operation
  • o
    add new row
  • :%d
    delete all lines
  • /hello
    find "hello" word
    go to next searched word
    go to previous searched word

How to unlock database user account?

Please run the sql lines in SQL Editor as "sys" user;


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

What are RAID levels 0/1/5/10?

Level Minimum Disk Req. Performance Redundancy Suggestions
0 2 Excellent None Not recommended for critical systems
1 2 Good Excellent
5 3 Good Good Best cost effective option providing both performance and redundancy. Use this for DB that is heavily read oriented. Write operations will be slow.
10 4 Excellent Excellent If you can afford the dollar, this is the BEST option for any mission critical applications (especially databases).

Friday, 14 November 2014

What is Oracle doing when you run commit?

The basic flow like that;
  1. Oracle writes that "Commit has been executed" in related table from UNDO tablespace. 
  2. SGA buffer cache - calling LGWR (Log Writer)
  3. LGWR writes changed data (delta) to REDO log files
  4. Tables' locks are released and marked as "TRANSACTION is completed" by Oracle

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

How to use Intersect function?

For instance, you want to see same jobs for employees that belong to different manager in employees table.

Please run the sql lines in SQL Editor as "hr" user;

SELECT job_id FROM employees
WHERE manager_id = 121
SELECT job_id FROM employees
WHERE manager_id  = 122;

Used Database User: HR

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Linux date function examples

date -d now
date -d today
date -d yesterday
date -d mon
date -d tue
date -d wed
date -d thu
date -d fri
date -d sat
date -d sun
date --date="1 day ago"
date --date="1 week ago"
date --date="1 month ago"
date --date="1 year ago"
date -d "+10 days"
date -d "+10 weeks"
date -d "+10 months"
date -d "+10 years"

[CONCAT] How to merge two strings as a single string?

Please run the sql lines in SQL Editor as "hr" user;

select CONCAT('Bilgi havuzu ','at') from dual;
Bilgi havuzu at

Used database user: hr
Used database server: oracle xe

Monday, 3 November 2014

[INITCAP] How to make uppercase the first character of each word in a string?

Please run the sql lines in SQL Editor as "hr" user;

select INITCAP('') from dual;

Used database user: hr
Used database server: oracle xe

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

[ADVICE] Free Windows Disk Defragmenter Alternative

I strongly recommend to use Smart Defrag tool instead of classical Windows Defragmenter tool.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

How to check NTFS file system in CMD?

Only you need to run this command.

e.g. chkntfs C:

C:\Windows\system32>chkntfs C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
C: is not dirty.

How to defrag disk partiton in CMD?

Only you need to run this command as Administrator.

e.g. defrag C:

How to change font color in CMD?

Only you need to run this command in cmd.

e.g. color A

0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Aqua
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A = Light Green
B = Light Aqua
C = Light Red
D = Light Purple
E = Light Yellow
F = Bright White

How to define a tablespace in Windows?

Please execute the commands as "sys";

To define the tablespace:
DATAFILE 'C:\tablespaces\data_01.dbf' SIZE 128M

To alter the tablespace:
SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE ALPER_DATA ADD DATAFILE 'C:\tablespaces\data_new_02.dbf' size 128m;

To drop the datafile from the tablespace:
SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE ALPER_DATA DROP DATAFILE 'C:\tablespaces\data_new_02.dbf';

To drop the tablespace:

To check tablespace's database files:

Used Oracle Version and OS: Oracle XE and Win7

How to prepare a video with steps via windows tool?

Please you run this command first in cmd.

CMD> psr

Then you can record the steps by clicking start record.

After finish your video, you are able to check .mht file by extracting zip file.

How to know hostname from IP in Command Prompt?

Press Windows button + R and press cmd then click "OK".
Then, write down "below command" and press enter

nbtstat -a <IP>
e.g. nbtstat -a

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

How to delete linux user?

# sudo userdel -r alper

-r -> Remove home directory and mail spool

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

How to run sql query in shell script?

Please add these codes into your .sh file then you can run .sh file

ssh -q -T oracle@ << EOF
sqlplus / as sysdba << EOFSQL
drop user ALPER_DB_USER cascade;

How to know file format description in CMD?

Please you run this command in CMD.

e.g. assoc .rar

e.g. assoc .txt

Monday, 20 October 2014

What are testing types and methods?

There are two test methods which are Black Box Testing and White Box Testing

Basically, there are two test types which are Functional and Non-functional.

For example, White & Black Box (Mostly), Unit, Interface & Usability, System, Regression and User Acceptance testing are Functional testing types.

Likewise, Load & Performance, Stress, Installation and Compatibility & Migration testing are Non-functional testing types.

White & Black Box Testing

White Box Testing (we know codes and are able to debug testing in codes)
Black Box Testing (we do not know codes and act as a customer)

Black Box Testing Types & Methods
  • Equivalence partitioning (keyword is clustering)
  • Boundary Value Analysis (keyword is looking boundary conditions)
  • Cause Effect Graphing (keyword is causes -> intermediate nodes -> effects and reduced decision table)