- Encoder (kodlayıcı); digital(sayısal) sinyal üreten cihazdır.
- Decoder (çözümleyici); digital sinyali çözümleyen cihazdır.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Encoder/Decoder nedir?
Saturday, 31 October 2015
How to login without any connection in sqlplus?
CMD> sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn hr/hr
- nolog parameter is using for just entering to sqlplus
SQL> conn hr/hr
- nolog parameter is using for just entering to sqlplus
Saturday, 24 October 2015
How to prevent auto-closing for CMD ?
To do that, you may add "pause" command into your .bat file as you wish.
sc config OracleServiceXE start= auto
sc start OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= auto
sc start OracleXETNSListener
rem stop cmd
sc config OracleServiceXE start= auto
sc start OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= auto
sc start OracleXETNSListener
rem stop cmd
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
How to use tftpd32 tool ?
You may use tftp (trial file transfer protocol) for transfering documents or
files between Linux and Windows.
To do that, at first, you should configure tftp tool.
Please follow the steps:
Click Settings:
Only activate TFTP Server box in Global tab
Configure Current Directory in TFTP tab
Activate "Bind TFTP to this address (Server_Host_IP)" -> Server_Host_IP could be selected as your machine local IP
An Example:
A machine is Windows
B machine is Linux
tftp server is installed in Windows
Run following commands In linux machine (B):
-> tftp
-> get mytext.txt
-> put mytextnew.txt
get: to transfer file from Windows to Linux machine
put; to transfer file from linux to windows machine
To do that, at first, you should configure tftp tool.
Please follow the steps:
Click Settings:
Only activate TFTP Server box in Global tab
Configure Current Directory in TFTP tab
Activate "Bind TFTP to this address (Server_Host_IP)" -> Server_Host_IP could be selected as your machine local IP
An Example:
A machine is Windows
B machine is Linux
tftp server is installed in Windows
Run following commands In linux machine (B):
-> tftp
-> get mytext.txt
-> put mytextnew.txt
get: to transfer file from Windows to Linux machine
put; to transfer file from linux to windows machine
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Bat dosyasından Oracle servislerini otomatik olarak başlatma/durdurma/devre dışı bırakma nasıl yapılır?
Bu yazıda .bat komutlarıyla Oracle servislerini nasıl yönetebiliriz ondan bahsedeceğim.
Öncelikle yeni bir .txt formatlı dosya tanımlamalıyız. Örnek olarak oracle.txt olsun.
Daha sonra içine aşağıdaki seçeneklerden birine bakarak komutları ekleyip, kaydedip çıkalım.
Seçenek 1:
rem servisleri kullanılabilir yapmak ve başlatmak için;
sc config OracleServiceXE start= auto
sc start OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= auto
sc start OracleXETNSListener
Seçenek 2:
rem servisleri devre dışı bırakmak ve durdurmak için:
sc config OracleServiceXE start= disabled
sc stop OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= disabled
sc stop OracleXETNSListener
Son aşamaya gelmeden önce dosyamızın ismini oracle.bat olarak değiştirelim.
Evet, .bat dosyamız çalıştırılmaya hazır. Güle güle kullanın! :)
Bilgi: Bu yazıda, veri tabanı olarak Oracle XE (express edition) kullanılmıştır. Diğer oracle versiyonlarına göre servis isimleri farklılık gösterebilir.
Şuradaki yazıya da bakmanızı tavsiye ederim; http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com.tr/2014/07/windowsda-oracle-xe-service-ve-listener.html
Hoşçakalın :)
Bu yazıda .bat komutlarıyla Oracle servislerini nasıl yönetebiliriz ondan bahsedeceğim.
Öncelikle yeni bir .txt formatlı dosya tanımlamalıyız. Örnek olarak oracle.txt olsun.
Daha sonra içine aşağıdaki seçeneklerden birine bakarak komutları ekleyip, kaydedip çıkalım.
Seçenek 1:
rem servisleri kullanılabilir yapmak ve başlatmak için;
sc config OracleServiceXE start= auto
sc start OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= auto
sc start OracleXETNSListener
Seçenek 2:
rem servisleri devre dışı bırakmak ve durdurmak için:
sc config OracleServiceXE start= disabled
sc stop OracleServiceXE
sc config OracleXETNSListener start= disabled
sc stop OracleXETNSListener
Son aşamaya gelmeden önce dosyamızın ismini oracle.bat olarak değiştirelim.
Evet, .bat dosyamız çalıştırılmaya hazır. Güle güle kullanın! :)
Bilgi: Bu yazıda, veri tabanı olarak Oracle XE (express edition) kullanılmıştır. Diğer oracle versiyonlarına göre servis isimleri farklılık gösterebilir.
Şuradaki yazıya da bakmanızı tavsiye ederim; http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com.tr/2014/07/windowsda-oracle-xe-service-ve-listener.html
Hoşçakalın :)
Monday, 7 September 2015
Reklam gelirleri hakkında
Kasa: 26.72 TL
Güncellenme tarihi: 21.09.2016
Güncellenme tarihi: 21.09.2016
reklam gelirleri
How to force kill spesific process or multiple processes in Command Window by using process name ?
Please make sure that you do not enter system process while killing some processes.
/IM -> image name
/F -> force
/T -> tree kill
That's all.
Bye :)
- Press Windows key + R
- Enter cmd then click OK
- Write tasklist and press Enter
- Define process name (image name)
- Write taskkill /IM [processname.exe] /F /T
e.g. taskkill /IM onenote.exe /F /T
/IM -> image name
/F -> force
/T -> tree kill
That's all.
Bye :)
Saturday, 5 September 2015
How to connect internet via USB cable in Android Devices?
To do that please follows the instructions;
Info: In this example, Android 4.2.2 version has been used.
Prerequisite: Plug your device into PC/Lap-Top via USB cable.
Open "Settings" -> Go to "More networks" -> Go to "Tethering and portable hotspot" -> Activate "USB tethering"
After that, you should be able to see "Blue usb icon" in Notification bar
Tip: You may use this when mobile device connects to WiFi as well.
Attention: Please be aware of your mobile data usage while "USB tethering" is open
Info: In this example, Android 4.2.2 version has been used.
Prerequisite: Plug your device into PC/Lap-Top via USB cable.
Open "Settings" -> Go to "More networks" -> Go to "Tethering and portable hotspot" -> Activate "USB tethering"
After that, you should be able to see "Blue usb icon" in Notification bar
Tip: You may use this when mobile device connects to WiFi as well.
Attention: Please be aware of your mobile data usage while "USB tethering" is open
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
How to point outlook archive file (.pst) in Outlook 2013?
To do that please follows the instructions;
Click "File" from top-left corner -> Click "Data Files" -> Click "Add" -> Select archive .pst file -> Click "OK" -> Check your mail box to see archive folder
Click "File" from top-left corner -> Click "Data Files" -> Click "Add" -> Select archive .pst file -> Click "OK" -> Check your mail box to see archive folder
outlook 2013
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
How to update driver with .inf file?
To do that please follows the instructions;
Press Windows key + R -> Input "mmc devmgmt.msc" -> Right click to "undefined device" in "Portable Devices" folder then select "Update Driver Software" -> Click to "Browse my computer for driver software" -> Click to "Let me pick from a list of device on my computer" -> Click to "Have Disk" -> Click to "Browse" -> Find .inf file then click "Open" -> Click "Next" and finish-up.
Press Windows key + R -> Input "mmc devmgmt.msc" -> Right click to "undefined device" in "Portable Devices" folder then select "Update Driver Software" -> Click to "Browse my computer for driver software" -> Click to "Let me pick from a list of device on my computer" -> Click to "Have Disk" -> Click to "Browse" -> Find .inf file then click "Open" -> Click "Next" and finish-up.
Monday, 8 June 2015
How to use adb (android debug bridge) cmd tool?
First, you need to connect your devices to PC with adb.
CMD> adb devices
result; abcdabcdxxx device
- start adb from different port
CMD> adb -P 1111 start-server
- Install .apk package
CMD> adb install mytool.apk
- Get logs from android device e.g.
CMD> adb logcat -d > mydevicelogs.txt
- Start-Stop adb server
CMD> adb start-server
CMD> adb kill-server
- Remount devices
CMD> adb remount
- Reboot devices
CMD> adb reboot
- Enter to shell (linux)
CMD> adb shell
- Gain read-write access for /system path to get rid of "Read-only file system" error
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount /system
- Revert to read-only access for /system path
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o ro,remount /system
- Define a new folder
CMD> adb shell mkdir /tmp/example
- Send a file into phone
CMD> adb push config.txt /tmp/example
CMD> adb devices
result; abcdabcdxxx device
- start adb from different port
CMD> adb -P 1111 start-server
- Install .apk package
CMD> adb install mytool.apk
- Get logs from android device e.g.
CMD> adb logcat -d > mydevicelogs.txt
- Start-Stop adb server
CMD> adb start-server
CMD> adb kill-server
- Remount devices
CMD> adb remount
- Reboot devices
CMD> adb reboot
- Enter to shell (linux)
CMD> adb shell
- Gain read-write access for /system path to get rid of "Read-only file system" error
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount /system
- Revert to read-only access for /system path
CMD> adb shell
# mount -o ro,remount /system
- Define a new folder
CMD> adb shell mkdir /tmp/example
- Send a file into phone
CMD> adb push config.txt /tmp/example
- Get a file from phone
CMD> adb pull /tmp/example/config.txt
CMD> adb pull /tmp/example/config.txt
Friday, 5 June 2015
.tar examples for gzip
tar -cvzf mytarfiles.tar myfile1 myfile2
- c, create a new file
- v, verbose (display) file to compress or uncompress
- z, use gzip to zip it
- f, create tar file with filename provided as the argument
tar -cvzf mytarnewfiles.tar.gz *.txt
- all text files will be tarred in current path (pwd)
lz mytarnewfiles.tar.gz
- lz, list files inside of tar
tar -cvzf mytarfiles.tar myfile1 myfile2
- c, create a new file
- v, verbose (display) file to compress or uncompress
- z, use gzip to zip it
- f, create tar file with filename provided as the argument
tar -cvzf mytarnewfiles.tar.gz *.txt
- all text files will be tarred in current path (pwd)
lz mytarnewfiles.tar.gz
- lz, list files inside of tar
gzip -t mytarnewfiles.tar.gz
- verify the tarball is valid
gzip -t mytarnewfiles.tar.gz
- verify the tarball is valid
tar -xvzf mytarnewfiles.tar.gz
- x, extract files in the current path (pwd)
tar -xvzf mytarnewfiles.tar.gz -C myfiles/
- C, extract files into defined folder as new
Please note that, tar is used to combine numerous files and directories into a single archive without compression but gzip is a compression utility uses for tar files (tarball).
Sunday, 31 May 2015
How to use "for update" clause in Oracle?
You are able to lock a table to prevent executing Data Manupulation Language-DML commands like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE by others users:
-- in this way, other users could not execute DML command that hangs up until user sends COMMIT or ROLLBACK to release the table lock. However, other users are able to execute SELECT still.
-- in this way, other users could not execute DML command that hangs up until user sends COMMIT or ROLLBACK to release the table lock. However, other users are able to execute SELECT still.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
How to know total row number, word number and character number in Linux?
$ wc myfile.txt
-> 5 13 56 myfile.txt
5; total row number
13; total word number
56; total character number
$ ls | wc -l
-> Total number of files in current directory
$ wc myfile.txt
-> 5 13 56 myfile.txt
5; total row number
13; total word number
56; total character number
$ ls | wc -l
-> Total number of files in current directory
Monday, 25 May 2015
How to configure auto reply e-mail in Office 2013?
To do that please follow the instructions:
To define auto reply;
1. define a message template
Home -> New Email-> Manage Rules & Alerts -> Enter your message -> File -> Save As "Outlook Template .oft"
2. define a rule for auto reply
Home -> Rules -> Manage Rules & Alerts -> New Rule -> Select "Start from a blank rule-Apply rules on messages I receive" -> select own preferences -> Activate "reply using a specific template" -> Click "a specific template" by saved .oft file -> Define a name to rule -> Finish
To turn off auto reply;
Home -> Rules -> Manage Rules & Alerts -> Go Email Rules tab -> inactivate to desired rule
To define auto reply;
1. define a message template
Home -> New Email-> Manage Rules & Alerts -> Enter your message -> File -> Save As "Outlook Template .oft"
2. define a rule for auto reply
Home -> Rules -> Manage Rules & Alerts -> New Rule -> Select "Start from a blank rule-Apply rules on messages I receive" -> select own preferences -> Activate "reply using a specific template" -> Click "a specific template" by saved .oft file -> Define a name to rule -> Finish
To turn off auto reply;
Home -> Rules -> Manage Rules & Alerts -> Go Email Rules tab -> inactivate to desired rule
outlook 2013
Sunday, 24 May 2015
How to get instance name, database status and instance role in Oracle?
SQL> select instance_name, database_status, instance_role from v$instance;
---------------- ----------------- ------------------
---------------- ----------------- ------------------
Thursday, 23 April 2015
How to transfer database file in Windows?
To do that please follow the instructions;
Tablespace: ALPER_DATA
Database file: data_01.dbf
DB file path: C:\Databasefiles
New database file name: data_new_01.dbf
New DB file path: D:\Databasefiles
Type these commands and press enter;
Example of offline transfer (database runs as non-archivelog mode)
Tablespace goes offline;
Tablespace: ALPER_DATA
Database file: data_01.dbf
DB file path: C:\Databasefiles
New database file name: data_new_01.dbf
New DB file path: D:\Databasefiles
Type these commands and press enter;
Example of offline transfer (database runs as non-archivelog mode)
Tablespace goes offline;
- sqlplus / as sysdba
- alter tablespace ALPER_DATA offline;
- exit
- move C:\Databasefiles\data_01.dbf D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf
Datafile location info updates in database;
- sqlplus / as sysdba
- alter tablespace ALPER_DATA rename datafile 'C:\Databasefiles\data_01.dbf' to 'D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf';
- alter tablespace ALPER_DATA online;
- exit
Datafile goes offline;
- sqlplus / as sysdba
- alter database datafile 'C:\tablespaces\alper_01.dbf' offline;
- exit
- move C:\Databasefiles\data_01.dbf D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf
- sqlplus / as sysdba
- alter tablespace ALPER_DATA rename datafile 'C:\Databasefiles\data_01.dbf' to 'D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf';
- recover datafile 'D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf'
- alter database datafile 'D:\Databasefiles\data_new_01.dbf' online;
- exit
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
How to make a schedule for disk cleanup automatically?
Please follow the steps;
1st step:
Define a disk cleanup profile.
cleanmgr /sagerset:1
2nd step:
Run task scheduler
3rd step:
Define a task schedule as designed profile by importing "cleanmgr /sagerun:1" to Actions
task generates first-day of each month at 01:00 pm
1st step:
Define a disk cleanup profile.
cleanmgr /sagerset:1
2nd step:
Run task scheduler
3rd step:
Define a task schedule as designed profile by importing "cleanmgr /sagerun:1" to Actions
task generates first-day of each month at 01:00 pm
Saturday, 18 April 2015
RamDisk nedir ve nasıl kullanılır?
RAMDisk, eski tip mekanik hard-disk-lerin okuma ve yazma hızlarının düşüklüğünden bir nebze kurtulmak için kullanabileceğiniz faydalı bir yazılımdır. :) Kısacası; bu yazılım ile bilgisayarınız, fiziksel disk yerine (hard-disk) hali hazırdaki RAM-lerinizi (sanal) disk olarak kullanır.
Basitçe, tanımladığınz sanal partisyon dizinine çok sık kullandığınız bir programı kurduktan sonra bilgisayarınızda belirgin bir hız artışı sağlanabilir.
Google Chrome'da kullanımı;
Web Tarayıcısının, diske kullandığı dizini, yeni tanımladığınız sanal diske ayarlamanız ve aşağıdaki örneğe bakarak yeni bir kısayol tanımlamanız yeterlidir.
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="G:\chrome_userdata"
-- G:\chrome_userdata; sanal disk dizini
Dataram RamDisk yazılımına burada erişebilirsiniz: http://memory.dataram.com/products-and-services/software/ramdisk
Kaynak: http://www.enpedi.com/2012/09/ramdisk-nedirkimler-kullanmal-nasl.html
RAMDisk, eski tip mekanik hard-disk-lerin okuma ve yazma hızlarının düşüklüğünden bir nebze kurtulmak için kullanabileceğiniz faydalı bir yazılımdır. :) Kısacası; bu yazılım ile bilgisayarınız, fiziksel disk yerine (hard-disk) hali hazırdaki RAM-lerinizi (sanal) disk olarak kullanır.
Basitçe, tanımladığınz sanal partisyon dizinine çok sık kullandığınız bir programı kurduktan sonra bilgisayarınızda belirgin bir hız artışı sağlanabilir.
Google Chrome'da kullanımı;
Web Tarayıcısının, diske kullandığı dizini, yeni tanımladığınız sanal diske ayarlamanız ve aşağıdaki örneğe bakarak yeni bir kısayol tanımlamanız yeterlidir.
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="G:\chrome_userdata"
-- G:\chrome_userdata; sanal disk dizini
Dataram RamDisk yazılımına burada erişebilirsiniz: http://memory.dataram.com/products-and-services/software/ramdisk
Kaynak: http://www.enpedi.com/2012/09/ramdisk-nedirkimler-kullanmal-nasl.html
HTML sayfalardaki Türkçe karakter gösterme sorunu ve çözümü
HTML sayfalar, web-tarayıcıları tarafından çözümlenirken bazen Türçe karakterler sayfa yapısını bozabiliyor. Bunun çözümü oldukça basit;
html kaynak kodunuzun <head> etiketi içine, aşağıda gösterilen satırı eklemeniz yeterli;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-9"/>
İşte bu kadar kolay! :)
HTML sayfalar, web-tarayıcıları tarafından çözümlenirken bazen Türçe karakterler sayfa yapısını bozabiliyor. Bunun çözümü oldukça basit;
html kaynak kodunuzun <head> etiketi içine, aşağıda gösterilen satırı eklemeniz yeterli;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-9"/>
İşte bu kadar kolay! :)
İngilizce Çalışma - Seri 1
How come - nasıl olur da...
How on earth - nasıl olur da...
why on earth - ne demeye...
Örnek cümleler:
How come did you come to here?
How on earth didn't we buy this car?
Why did you ask this question?
Why on the earth did she break the relationship?
How on earth - nasıl olur da...
why on earth - ne demeye...
Örnek cümleler:
How come did you come to here?
How on earth didn't we buy this car?
Why did you ask this question?
Why on the earth did she break the relationship?
Sunday, 12 April 2015
How to find a listening port in Linux?
There are two simple ways for finding the listening port.
- lsof | grep 8080
- netstat -an | grep 8080
Friday, 10 April 2015
How to do inside search in Google?
Simply, you only need to add "site" in your query.
your query -> site:ozsoyler.blogspot.com Hello World!
Just all!
your query -> site:ozsoyler.blogspot.com Hello World!
Just all!
google search
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Türkçemizi koruyalım - 2
Yanlış Olan - Doğru Olan
Herkez - Herkes
Birgün - Bir gün
Yanlız - Yalnız
Hoşgeldin - Hoş geldin
Klavuz - Kılavuz
Sağol - Sağ ol
Deyil - Değil
Özgeçmiş - Öz geçmiş
Poaça - Poğaça
Pekçok - Pek çok
Aktif - Etkin
Fonksiyon - İşlev
Anons - Duyuru
Sempatik - Sevimli
İzolasyon - Yalıtım
Detay - Ayrıntı
Asistan - Yardımcı
Dizayn - Tasarım
Orijinal - Özgün
İmaj - Görünüm
Avantaj - Üstünlük
Arşiv - Belgelik
Full - Tam
Ekstra - Fazladan
Limit - Sınır
Depresyon - Bunalım
Röportaj - Söyleşi
Profil - Görünüş
Kriter - Ölçüt
Favori - Gözde
Bilgi: İspir Ziya Ortaokulu foto albümünden alıntıdır.
Herkez - Herkes
Birgün - Bir gün
Yanlız - Yalnız
Hoşgeldin - Hoş geldin
Klavuz - Kılavuz
Sağol - Sağ ol
Deyil - Değil
Özgeçmiş - Öz geçmiş
Poaça - Poğaça
Pekçok - Pek çok
Aktif - Etkin
Fonksiyon - İşlev
Anons - Duyuru
Sempatik - Sevimli
İzolasyon - Yalıtım
Detay - Ayrıntı
Asistan - Yardımcı
Dizayn - Tasarım
Orijinal - Özgün
İmaj - Görünüm
Avantaj - Üstünlük
Arşiv - Belgelik
Full - Tam
Ekstra - Fazladan
Limit - Sınır
Depresyon - Bunalım
Röportaj - Söyleşi
Profil - Görünüş
Kriter - Ölçüt
Favori - Gözde
Bilgi: İspir Ziya Ortaokulu foto albümünden alıntıdır.
Monday, 16 March 2015
GET - to get the resource
PUT - to update
POST - to Insert
DELETE - to delete
GET - to get the resource
PUT - to update
POST - to Insert
DELETE - to delete
Thursday, 12 March 2015
- runs based on XML
- uses WSDL standard
- more reliable
- more easier to reach documents and guides
- runs based on "resource URI concept"
- uses HTTP methods for requests
- result data type could be JSON, XML, TXT, HTML
- more faster
- runs based on XML
- uses WSDL standard
- more reliable
- more easier to reach documents and guides
- runs based on "resource URI concept"
- uses HTTP methods for requests
- result data type could be JSON, XML, TXT, HTML
- more faster
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
How to run SVN cleanup and update commands in CMD?
e.g. cleanup:
CMD> TortoiseProc.exe /command:cleanup /path:"D:\AlperSVN" /cleanup /noui
e.g. update:
CMD> TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"D:\AlperSVN"
CMD> TortoiseProc.exe /command:cleanup /path:"D:\AlperSVN" /cleanup /noui
e.g. update:
CMD> TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"D:\AlperSVN"
Monday, 9 March 2015
How to install node.js in Windows?
Firstly, please go to here (C:\ or D:\) then run the following commands.
CMD> npm install jshint -g
(-g means that user can reach it from all directories when it installed)
If you use proxy, you should run below commands to download jshint module.
To run it;
CMD> jshint abc.js
abc.js: line 11, col 14, Missing semicolon.
1 error
Note: "node_modules" directory is jshint's setup directory
CMD> npm install jshint -g
(-g means that user can reach it from all directories when it installed)
If you use proxy, you should run below commands to download jshint module.
To run it;
CMD> jshint abc.js
abc.js: line 11, col 14, Missing semicolon.
1 error
Note: "node_modules" directory is jshint's setup directory
Friday, 6 March 2015
[ADVICE] Free SSH Client Alternatives
I strongly recommend to use MobaXterm Personal Edition tool instead of other expensive SSH tools.
The other good choice is ZOC SSH Client.
The other good choice is ZOC SSH Client.
Friday, 27 February 2015
What is X11?
X11 is a network protocol designed for Unix and similar operating systems to enable remote graphical access to applications.
The X Window System (X11, X, and sometimes informally X-Windows) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on UNIX-like computer operating systems.
The X Window System (X11, X, and sometimes informally X-Windows) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on UNIX-like computer operating systems.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
How to learn PC mainboard informations from cmd?
CMD> wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber
Thursday, 19 February 2015
[ADVICE] Using both of semicolon and slash characters at the same time
Please note that if you use semicolon and slash at the same time in sql queries, there will be executed as twice on the system.
insert into mytable values (007,'Alper');
-- result of sql
-- 1 row inserted
-- 1 row inserted
-- do not use "/" with ";" to prevent this case.
Please note that if you use begin-end pl-sql code block, there should be ";" at the end of pl-sql block.
insert into mytable values (007,'Alper');
-- result of sql
-- 1 row inserted
-- ";" should be existed in here.
insert into mytable values (007,'Alper');
-- result of sql
-- 1 row inserted
-- 1 row inserted
-- do not use "/" with ";" to prevent this case.
Please note that if you use begin-end pl-sql code block, there should be ";" at the end of pl-sql block.
insert into mytable values (007,'Alper');
-- result of sql
-- 1 row inserted
-- ";" should be existed in here.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
How to always see authentication pop-up window in Firefox?
Open Firefox -> Enter "about:config" in url bar -> Search "network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies" -> Change value to "false" -> Restart Firefox -> That's all.
How to define virtual drive on the system?
Only you need to run these commands in cmd.
e.g. subst v: "\\\MyRemoteDirectory"
e.g. subst x: "D:\MyBackupDirectory"
to delete it;
subst v: /d
e.g. subst v: "\\\MyRemoteDirectory"
e.g. subst x: "D:\MyBackupDirectory"
to delete it;
subst v: /d
virtual dirve,
Friday, 13 February 2015
How to install/uninstall/search installed rpm package in Linux?
install rpm package:
# rpm -Uvh jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
# rpm -ivh jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-U, upgrade -i, install –v, verbose –h gist of verbose)
uninstall rpm package:
# rpm -ev jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
search installed rpm packages:
$ rpm -qa | grep jdk
list the dependency of rpm packages:
# rpm -qRp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-q, query -R, List package depends)
verify installed rpm package:
# rpm -Vp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-V, verify -p package name)
check state of files inside of rpm package:
# rpm - qsp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-s, state (installed, replaced or normal)
verify all installed rpm packages:
# rpm -Va
(-a, all)
# rpm -Uvh jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
# rpm -ivh jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-U, upgrade -i, install –v, verbose –h gist of verbose)
uninstall rpm package:
# rpm -ev jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
search installed rpm packages:
$ rpm -qa | grep jdk
list the dependency of rpm packages:
# rpm -qRp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-q, query -R, List package depends)
verify installed rpm package:
# rpm -Vp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-V, verify -p package name)
check state of files inside of rpm package:
# rpm - qsp jdk-1.6.0_35-fcs.i586.rpm
(-s, state (installed, replaced or normal)
verify all installed rpm packages:
# rpm -Va
(-a, all)
How to install source package in linux?
Please follow the instructions:
e.g. sysstat-9.0.6.tar.gz installation;
Firstly, transfer the sysstat source package into your linux.
Run these commands one by one;
-> tar -czvf sysstat-9.0.6.tar.gz
-> cd sysstat-9.0.6 then execute ./configure
-> make
-> make install
Usage of sar;
# sar 1 1000
e.g. sysstat-9.0.6.tar.gz installation;
Firstly, transfer the sysstat source package into your linux.
Run these commands one by one;
-> tar -czvf sysstat-9.0.6.tar.gz
-> cd sysstat-9.0.6 then execute ./configure
-> make
-> make install
Usage of sar;
# sar 1 1000
source package
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
How to find IP from url or domain address in windows?
e.g. tracert www.google.com
Tracing route to www.google.com []
Tracing route to www.google.com []
Monday, 9 February 2015
How to run a program in start-up?
Please follow the instructions to define start-up program for Windows machines.
Press Windows key -> Click "All Programs" -> Right mouse click on "Startup" folder then click "Open" -> Define shortcut of the program in "Startup" folder -> Now, windows starts program as your shortcuts while starting system.
Press Windows key -> Click "All Programs" -> Right mouse click on "Startup" folder then click "Open" -> Define shortcut of the program in "Startup" folder -> Now, windows starts program as your shortcuts while starting system.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
What is "hiberfil.sys" file?
hiberfil.sys file is using when system goes to hibernate mode that all your session information are stored in this file. After system goes up, system uses this file to restore your last session.
To modify size of it;
powercfg -h -size 70
(it means hiberfil.sys file size will be the half of system RAM size)
(also, percentage should be at least %50 in here)
To disable it;
powercfg -h off
If you disable it, pagefile.sys file size is same with system RAM size probably.
Reference: http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com.tr/2015/02/how-to-change-windows-swap-size.html
To modify size of it;
powercfg -h -size 70
(it means hiberfil.sys file size will be the half of system RAM size)
(also, percentage should be at least %50 in here)
To disable it;
powercfg -h off
If you disable it, pagefile.sys file size is same with system RAM size probably.
Reference: http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com.tr/2015/02/how-to-change-windows-swap-size.html
How to change windows swap size?
Windows uses pagefile.sys file as swap memory that you can easily manage it as you wish.
To do that, please follow the instructions;
Press Windows key -> Right click to "My Computer" -> Click to "Advanced system settings" -> Click to "Advanced" tab -> Click to "Settings" from "Performance" -> Click "Advanced" tab from "Performance Options" window -> Then, click to "Change" button -> Unselect to "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" -> Lastly, select "Custom size" then modify "initial size" and "maximum size" according to related disk volume then click "OK"
Recommended: If you have too much RAM memory in your system (such as 32 GB RAM), you can disable pagefile.sys to accelerate your system.
To do that, please follow the instructions;
Press Windows key -> Right click to "My Computer" -> Click to "Advanced system settings" -> Click to "Advanced" tab -> Click to "Settings" from "Performance" -> Click "Advanced" tab from "Performance Options" window -> Then, click to "Change" button -> Unselect to "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" -> Lastly, select "Custom size" then modify "initial size" and "maximum size" according to related disk volume then click "OK"
Recommended: If you have too much RAM memory in your system (such as 32 GB RAM), you can disable pagefile.sys to accelerate your system.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
How to adjust hibernate option instead of using sleep option in advanced power options?
Please follow the instructions to adjust the hibernation.
Press Windows key and search "power options" -> Click to "Change plan settings" -> Then, click to "Change advanced power settings" -> Go to "Sleep" -> Then, "Sleep after" and change setting to "Never" -> Lastly, go to "Hibernate after" -> For example, change settings to "15 minutes" -> Anymore, if windows runs 15 minutes in standby, the system goes to "hibernation".
You may also run below commands in "cmd" to adjust your power settings according to power-saving approach.
powercfg -h on
powercfg -change standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -change monitor-timeout-ac 5
powercfg -change hibernate-timeout-ac 15
Press Windows key and search "power options" -> Click to "Change plan settings" -> Then, click to "Change advanced power settings" -> Go to "Sleep" -> Then, "Sleep after" and change setting to "Never" -> Lastly, go to "Hibernate after" -> For example, change settings to "15 minutes" -> Anymore, if windows runs 15 minutes in standby, the system goes to "hibernation".
You may also run below commands in "cmd" to adjust your power settings according to power-saving approach.
powercfg -h on
powercfg -change standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -change monitor-timeout-ac 5
powercfg -change hibernate-timeout-ac 15
How to activate hibernate option in start menu?
Please follow the instructions to activate hibernate option for Windows machines.
Press Windows key and search "cmd" -> Right mouse click on "cmd" then select "Run as administrator" -> Run "powercfg -hibernate on" -> Press Windows key and search "power options" -> Click to "Change plan settings" -> Then, click to "Change advanced power settings" -> Go to "Sleep" and "Allow hybrid sleep" -> Change Settings to "Off" -> Now, you can see "Hibernate" option in start menu.
Press Windows key and search "cmd" -> Right mouse click on "cmd" then select "Run as administrator" -> Run "powercfg -hibernate on" -> Press Windows key and search "power options" -> Click to "Change plan settings" -> Then, click to "Change advanced power settings" -> Go to "Sleep" and "Allow hybrid sleep" -> Change Settings to "Off" -> Now, you can see "Hibernate" option in start menu.
Monday, 2 February 2015
How to modify "sql page size"?
Anymore, there will be 100 lines for each page, after executes SQL queries.
Anymore, there will be 100 lines for each page, after executes SQL queries.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
How to recall an email in Microsoft Office Outlook?
To do that please follows the instructions;
Double click the email from "Sent Items" -> Click "Other Actions" -> Click "Recall This Message" -> Select desired options like "Delete unread copies of this message" -> Click "OK" -> Wait a while to see the result email from the mail server
* If one of recipients read this email, you cannot recall it. Therefore, you should receive the fail info message from the mail server after recall request.
That's all
Double click the email from "Sent Items" -> Click "Other Actions" -> Click "Recall This Message" -> Select desired options like "Delete unread copies of this message" -> Click "OK" -> Wait a while to see the result email from the mail server
* If one of recipients read this email, you cannot recall it. Therefore, you should receive the fail info message from the mail server after recall request.
That's all
How to run a command when starts up SUSE linux system?
Please add below row into "/etc/init.d/boot.local" file as root system user.
# su - alper -c "/home/alper/bin/startup.sh"
# su - alper -c "/home/alper/bin/startup.sh"
Monday, 26 January 2015
What is SUID and GUID?
SUID (Set User ID on execution) and GUID (Group User ID on execution) that uses to give execution permission for running as owner of file.
example of activated suid
passwd command;
ls -l /usr/bin/passwd
example of activated guid
wall command;
ls -l /usr/bin/wall
info: "s" means that the file is activated for suid or guid.
to activate suid;
chmod u+s myfile.txt
to deactivate suid;
chmod u-s myfile.txt
to activate guid;
chmod g+s myfile.txt
to deactivate guid;
chmod g-s myfile.txt
You may also want to read this entry; http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is-sticky-bit.html
example of activated suid
passwd command;
ls -l /usr/bin/passwd
example of activated guid
wall command;
ls -l /usr/bin/wall
info: "s" means that the file is activated for suid or guid.
to activate suid;
chmod u+s myfile.txt
to deactivate suid;
chmod u-s myfile.txt
to activate guid;
chmod g+s myfile.txt
to deactivate guid;
chmod g-s myfile.txt
You may also want to read this entry; http://ozsoyler.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is-sticky-bit.html
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
How to list symbolic links in the current directory?
define a link;
$ ln -s myfolder/myfile.txt myshortcut
to see it in the list;
$ find . -type l -ls
Jan 21 09:03 ./myshortcut-> myfolder/myfile.txt
to see inside of file via shortcut;
$ cat myshortcut
$ ln -s myfolder/myfile.txt myshortcut
to see it in the list;
$ find . -type l -ls
Jan 21 09:03 ./myshortcut-> myfolder/myfile.txt
to see inside of file via shortcut;
$ cat myshortcut
symbolic link
Thursday, 8 January 2015
How to define logic volume for oracle server?
1st step: Define physical volume (pv)
# pvcreate -f /dev/sda4
to check it;
# pvdisplay
2nd step: Define volume group (vg)
# vgcreate -s 16 /dev/my_vg_ora /dev/sda4
-s 16 (--physicalextentsize; 16 mb physical extent size)
to activate it;
# vgchange -a y /dev/my_vg_ora
to check it;
# vgdisplay
3rd step: Define logic volume (lv)
lvcreate -L 1024 -n example01 /dev/my_vg_ora
to check it;
# lvdisplay
4th step: Assign data file to tablespace
to do this step please refer to this entry
to check it;
# select * from dba_data_files;
# pvcreate -f /dev/sda4
to check it;
# pvdisplay
2nd step: Define volume group (vg)
# vgcreate -s 16 /dev/my_vg_ora /dev/sda4
-s 16 (--physicalextentsize; 16 mb physical extent size)
to activate it;
# vgchange -a y /dev/my_vg_ora
to check it;
# vgdisplay
3rd step: Define logic volume (lv)
lvcreate -L 1024 -n example01 /dev/my_vg_ora
to check it;
# lvdisplay
4th step: Assign data file to tablespace
to do this step please refer to this entry
to check it;
# select * from dba_data_files;
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Oracle Highlights
- How to get instance name, database status and instance role in Oracle?
- How to modify "sql page size"?
- How to define logic volume for oracle server?
- How to kill session when system could not drop database user?
- How to see database tablespaces?
- How to see database instance information?
- How to see version of database?
- How to see resource limits?
- How to see all tablespace quotas?
- How to see all profiles and assigned limits?
- How to check database link?
- How to configure EM (Enterprose Manager) if has any problem?
- How to delete archive log files until specific time in RMAN?
- How to check/open archieve log in sqlplus?
- Enterprise Manager and OEM Agent commands in Oracle
- How to alter a profile in Oracle?
- How to define new profile in Oracle?
- How to know system date in Oracle?
- How to see last updated (DDL) table object in Oracle?
- How to see PGA size per oracle session?
- How to set SHMMAX value and what is that?
- How to see FRA (Flash Recovery Area) configuration?
- How to add datafile as logic volume (LV) on the tablespace in Linux?
- How to unlock database user account?
- How to define a tablespace in Windows?
- How to run sql query in shell script?
- How to define and drop temporary tablespace?
- How to run .sql file in sqlplus?
- How to connect into RMAN tool in Windows?
- How to clear screen in sqlplus?
- How to set DB ID in RMAN?
- How to see database open-mode information?
- How to see database tablespaces?
- How to resolve "Enterprise Manager Agent status is Unavailable" issue in Linux?
- How to change oracle max connection limits for "maximum connection exceed problem"?
- How to drop a user from database in Oracle?
- How to see the size of users on specific tablespace in Oracle?
- How to login sqlplus on linux command window in Linux?
- How to kill a session with custom procedure?
- How to shutdown Oracle Database Server in Windows OS?
- How to start Oracle Database Server in Windows OS?
- How to remove a job in Oracle?
- How to know DBMS Jobs information in Oracle?
- Windows'da Oracle XE Service ve Listener Başlatma
- Oracle trace ve alert log nedir, nerede bulunur?
- How to know oracle client version with sqlplus?
- Oracle'da HR kullanıcısına nasıl bağlanılır?
- How to know the current connected user in sqlplus?
- How to transfer database file in Windows?
Database Versions
ORA Errors and Solutions
SQL Functions
- [ADVICE] Using both of semicolon and slash characters at the same time
- How to select top 10 records in Oracle 11g and 12c?
- TORA ile veritabanına nasıl bağlanılır?
- [SOLUTION] - TOra "No available connection provider " Error
- [SOLUTION] - TOra "ORA-12154" Error
Total items: 65
Last updated at 2015-05-24 19:53:16
Last updated at 2015-05-24 19:53:16
oracle highlights
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